Pet Dentistry
The dental health of your pet is more vital than you realize.

Pet Dentistry
Progressive Veterinary Services has state-of-the-art dental equipment, such as digital dental X-rays, an ultrasonic scaler, a drill, and a polisher. Dental health is an important part of your pet’s overall health. Your pet’s teeth should be checked at least once a year; if there is a concern, we may recommend a full dental cleaning. During this procedure, we will remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth and polish them. We use dental probes to look for pockets of infection around the tooth roots and gums. This will allow us to check the stability of the tooth. Our digital X-rays will allow us to fully evaluate the condition of the teeth and make sure no “hidden” disease is present and waiting to flare up. If we find damaged teeth, we will recommend extractions. Common dental concerns include:
- Bad breath
- Broken or loose teeth
- Extra teeth or retained baby teeth
- Teeth that are discolored or covered in tarter
- Abnormal chewing, drooling, or dropping of food from the mouth
- Reduced appetite or refusal to eat
- Pain in or around the mouth
- Bleeding from the mouth
- Swelling in the areas surrounding the mouth